Tuesday, June 7, 2022

Search on Particular Field even duplicate and print entire

Request detail

file1 has ids, needs to be mapped with file2 column 6, which has those ids and print in file 3

file 1 has duplicate ids and I want file3 to have file 2 column data printed with the duplicate ids.








a b c d e 2 f

a1 b1 c1 d1 e1 1 f1

a2 b2 c2 d2 e2 4 f2

file3 output:

a1 b1 c1 d1 e1 1 f1

a b c d e 2 f

a b c d e 2 f

a2 b2 c2 d2 e2 4 f2

After Executing Shell Script:

Unzip all files on target path with provision


Create a unzip all files in a directory using a shell script.

Additionally, every time a new zip file is added to the directory, the script to unzip only that new file, not the others that had been unzipped in the past.

Eg: Directory:


Files in directory:




First Unzip All:




Above List shown added new zip file and below showing latest file only unzip instead of entire.

Thursday, June 2, 2022

Top 10 ip address access with how many time and last time access in Unix.


Top 10 ip address access with how many time and last time access.

Which can parse an Apache access log file and it can extract the top 10 domain name or IP address which have accessed any page of the web site; how many times the domain or the IP address has accessed any page of the web site and the last time of access of the web site. The date should be printed as YEAR-MONTH-DAY. 

Input: access.log which contain 3485 records.




Identify Odd Number Using Unix Shell Script !!!

Identify Odd Number Using Unix Shell Script !!! 

Determine login detail after office timing in Unix

Determine login detail after used login between 8:00 am to 4:00 pm in Unix :



After Executing Shell Script.



Convert input text file to table format in html using Unix shell script !!!

Convert input text file to table format in html using Unix shell script !!! 

Input: .txt file



After Executing Shell Script.

Output: . html 


Tuesday, May 31, 2022

List of Unix Shell Scripts Developed by Me !!!

List of Unix Shell Scripts Developed by me !!!

  1. Beautiful Christmas Tree ( Video )
  2. Upgraded Colourful Tic-Tac-Toe with Score  ( Video )
  3. Colourful Tic-Tac-Toe  ( Video )
  4. Arithmetic Operation Scripts as Below till 10 :  ( Video )
  5. Calculate Area of Room 
  6. How to do division
  7. Aggregate marks of 5 Subject.
  8. Sum of 1st and 4th digit.
  9. Count backward 10 to 1 with pause
  10. Identify Odd Number
  11. Convert XML to CSV
  12. Execute command n no. of time and store result in new file w. r. t. each run.
  13. Tic tac Toe Game using Korn Shell  ( Video )
  14. Rename Files
  15. Calculate Age of the person based on Date of Birth 
  16. Masking the letter in a word
  17. Calculate BMI and Identify obesity or not ( Video )
  18. Determine login detail after login office timing. 
  19. Top 10 Ip address access with how many time and last access date 
  20. Unzip all files in target path with Provision. 
  21. Search on Particular Field even duplicate and print entire. 

Many Scripts available which developed by me in case need ready made code or want to learn any script or want to develop any script or enhance your script or want to understand your script or need support etc. plz. DM me.

Saturday, May 21, 2022

Upgraded Colorful Tic-Tac-Toe game in Unix !!!

Upgraded Colorful Tic-Tac-Toe game in Unix !!!

• User Friendly as want to play with computer or not • Also, user preference as want X or O choose option • Unlimited to play with count of how many times play game. • Score board display for each count of X win or O win including Draw as well. • Two player have color. X have green or O have Red. • After play unlimited who final winner etc. Including existing things as well. 1) Unlimited time you can play i.e. Do you want play again option available. 2) By mistake, already filled things also take care by logic. 3) Game Tie also handled. Need any help or are you stuck on Unix Shell Script or need 1:1 Live help or session or your task solution in Unix shell script. Just DM me

Thursday, May 5, 2022

Demo on Colorful Tic-TacToe game in Unix developed by me !!!

Colorful Tic-TacToe game in Unix developed by me !!!

Following things handled for Tic-Tac-Toe game. Game board used in color. 1) Unlimited time you can play i.e. Do you want play again option available 2) By mistake, already filled things also take care by logic. 3) Game Tie also handled.

Need any help or are you stuck on Unix Shell Script or need 1:1 Live help or session or your task solution in Unix shell script. Just DM me.

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Gig: 5 Unix Shell Script which help to learn arithmetic operation in Unix :

How to do arithmetic  Operation using Unix Shell Script:

5 Unix Shell Scripts which help to learn arithmetic operation in Unix. In case, want or want to learn Just DM me. 
Kindly note: Charges are applicable per Script.

Sunday, April 24, 2022

Very Simple Shell Script which help to learn codition, loop, pause,calculation etc.

In case, need ready made or want to learn condtion, loop, pause, calculation etc. in unix shell script. Plz. DM me.

a. Asks for two numbers (operands) from the user

b. Check if the second number is zero, gives and error and ask the user to inputt wo new numbers.

c. Divide the first number by the second number and output the result.

d. Counts backwards from 10 to 1
e. Displays the current number
f. Pauses for 1 second between number

a. Asks the user for the length and width (in feet) of a rectangular room
b. Calculates the area of the room
c. Displays the result to the user

Sunday, January 23, 2022