
Saturday, May 21, 2022

Upgraded Colorful Tic-Tac-Toe game in Unix !!!

Upgraded Colorful Tic-Tac-Toe game in Unix !!!

• User Friendly as want to play with computer or not • Also, user preference as want X or O choose option • Unlimited to play with count of how many times play game. • Score board display for each count of X win or O win including Draw as well. • Two player have color. X have green or O have Red. • After play unlimited who final winner etc. Including existing things as well. 1) Unlimited time you can play i.e. Do you want play again option available. 2) By mistake, already filled things also take care by logic. 3) Game Tie also handled. Need any help or are you stuck on Unix Shell Script or need 1:1 Live help or session or your task solution in Unix shell script. Just DM me

Thursday, May 5, 2022

Demo on Colorful Tic-TacToe game in Unix developed by me !!!

Colorful Tic-TacToe game in Unix developed by me !!!

Following things handled for Tic-Tac-Toe game. Game board used in color. 1) Unlimited time you can play i.e. Do you want play again option available 2) By mistake, already filled things also take care by logic. 3) Game Tie also handled.

Need any help or are you stuck on Unix Shell Script or need 1:1 Live help or session or your task solution in Unix shell script. Just DM me.

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Gig: 5 Unix Shell Script which help to learn arithmetic operation in Unix :

How to do arithmetic  Operation using Unix Shell Script:

5 Unix Shell Scripts which help to learn arithmetic operation in Unix. In case, want or want to learn Just DM me. 
Kindly note: Charges are applicable per Script.